


Task #4967

Updated by bmbouter almost 5 years ago

h2. Problem 

 Apache doesn't provide a feature similar to nginx's pulp_next_upstream so it needs to explicitly know which backend to route any given URL to. The well known routes of /pulp/api/v3/ and /pulp/content/ are easy, Same as #4966, but since arbitrary urls can be configured for both pulp-api and pulp-content-app this is trickier with Apache. 

 h2. Solution 

 1. Have the main config route /pulp/api/v3/ and /pulp/content/ correctly 
 2. IncludeOptional configs provided by plugins for urls the content app should handle for that plugin 
 3. If still unmatched route to pulp-api as the default. 

 h2. Reasoning 

 h3. Why pulp-api as the default? 

 Across all the plugins and core, the number of custom URLs in pulp-api is much more than pulp-content-app. So to minimize the number of custom configs provided, the "default" route if unmatched would be pulp-api. 

 h3. How will these config snippets be provided? 

 The config snippets will be contributed to the installer itself for any plugin that requires custom urls in the content app and httpd support. Apache
