


Story #5008

Updated by ttereshc about 5 years ago

RemoveDuplicates stage provides the opportunity to enforce uniqueness constraints for content at the sync time. 
 The duplicate problem can be encountered at any time content is added to a repository, not only at sync time. 
 E.g. Content was uploaded, or content was synced as a part of other repo, and now it's added/copied to a new repository. 

 It would be good if some check/validation happened for any added content, e.g. "at this stage": 

 Examples for where uniqueness might be needed in a repo version: 
  - only one content unit with a certain characteristics should be present in a repo (only one advisory with the same id, only one module_defaults for a module, etc) 
  - relative paths if it's a part of a content unit, should not collide (for pulp file, paths 'a' and 'a/b' should not be in the same repo version) 

 This issue was discussed on this thread:
