Story #4901
Updated by daviddavis over 5 years ago
When creating a new repository version, its very easy to add units or remove units, but if I want to specify some list of units I want the repository version to have, i must first clear out all the existing units which is very cumbersome. h2. Solution Allow users to specify <code>['*']</code> for <code>remove_content_units</code>. This will let users remove all content units from a repo version. They can also specify <code>add_content_units</code> which will add back units to the empty repo version. Couple of options: Note 1) some parameter that we'll need either signifies to change clear out everything that isn't in the current logic to add units after removing units. We add_content_units list 2) some parameter that signifies that the list provided is ONLY what i want to document these behaviors clearly in the docs too. version, and anything else should be removed. I think 1) is probably clearer to the user as to what is happening.