


Story #4745

Updated by bmbouter about 5 years ago

h3. Problem 

 Some plugins like pulp_ansible and pulp_docker have no need for publications since they don't use metadata. Give these plugins a way to attach distributions directly to repo versions. 

 h3. Solution 

 1. Add a "repository_version" attribute to the "Distribution model": 
 2. Update the content app to serve up content from that RepositoryVersion 
 3. The "repository_version" and "publication" fields should not be used together and should error somehow. 

 We will also adjust the auto-distribution behavior as follows: 

 When the Distribution.repository field is set, the Distribution will be updated to have the repository_verison field point at the newly created repository_version. 

 When the Distribution.publisher field is set, the Distribution will be updated to have the publication field point at the newly created publication.
