


Task #4444

Updated by bmbouter over 5 years ago

h2. Problems 

 Having the pulp/pulp store the pulpcore code creates a few issues: 

 Confusion. The pulp/pulp repo holds both pulp2 and pulp3 on different branches. This means that pull requests are mixed which causes us to need a lot of labels to distinguish the two at PR review time. 

 Tags and Releases issues. We want the repo forpulp3 to cleanly show the releases (even the pre-releases). If you look at the Pulp releases page it has 1891 releases (a crazy unbelievable number).    We should leave all these old tags from pulp2 behind and only have the pulp3 tags in the source tree 

 Naming convention isues. The pulpcore-plugin is the PyPI package name and the repo name is pulp/pulpcore-plugin. For consistency the pulpcore PyPI package name is expected to live at pulp/pulpcore. 

 h2. Solution 

 Create a new repo called pulp/pulpcore and make pulp/pulpcore:master contain the HEAD of pulp/pulp:master. Also push all pulp3 tags which should all reference commits in the history of pulp/pulpcore:master. 

 h2. What about pulp2? 

 The We can promote pulp/pulp:2-master branch is left undisturbed so that release engineering can continue to build from it, and the open PRs against 2-master can remain undisturbed. 

 h2. the plan 

 On Thursday Feb 28th at 5pm UTC the cutover will happen. Specifically bmbouter will do the following steps: 

 1. create a new repo at pulp/pulpcore 
 2. fetch the latest HEAD from be pulp/pulp:master (the refs of pulp3) and push to the pulp/pulpcore:master branch 
 3. Move the tags starting with 3.0.0b* from the pulp/pulp repo to the pulp/pulpcore repo 
 4. Confirm with another developer that the refs and tags are moved to the new repo 
 5. delete pulp/pulp:master and make the default branch for pulp2 2-master. 

 h2. Fixing forks and checkouts 

 It should be these steps: 

 1. Delete your fork on github ( ) 
 2. Fork it fresh from github but now from pulp/pulpcore 
 3. delete your local clone and reclone from your fork
