


Task #4450

Updated by bmbouter over 5 years ago

h2. What is pulp-manager 

 It's a thin wrapper around django-admin. It's a Python entry point that points to: 

 h2. Problem 

 It's a wrapper around django-admin so we could just expose django-admin directly. Users who use django-admin know that they have to have it configured correctly. There are huge amounts of docs on how to do that. 

 We provide it like a binary that should "just work", but if you don't have the python environment activated or Pulp installed systemwide it won't. 

 With pulp-manager we hide all that from the user. The theme of our pulp3 usage was to get out of the way between the user and Django. This is one place where we are putting something we built in between the user and Django. 

 Consider how this affects the user experience for migrations. Currently the user would use pulp-manager, but they probably should use django-admin since migrate is a Django's command. It's not a Pulp command so putting it under line has nice autocomplete. The pulp-manager is confusing. 

 Also pulp-manager wrapper around django-admin looses autocompletion so it's already not as great as django-admin. that autocompletion. 

 h2. Solution 

 Remove pulp-manager altogether and just use django-admin. Pulp is a Django django site after all.
