


Story #4072

Updated by bmbouter almost 6 years ago

h2. Problem 

 While making an upload API for pulp_ansible, I receive only a sha256 from the user to validate the uploaded data. To save an Artifact I need the other digests and the size. This causes me to manually compute all the digest info and perform any validation. 

 This is going to be a common problem for plugin writers receiving Artifact data and not using the downloaders, e.g. upload. 

 h2. Solution 

 Add a static method to Artifact named <code>create_and_validate</code> that can create an in-memory Artifact from an on-disk asset with the following signature: 

 <code>def create_and_validate(file, expected_digests=None, create_and_validate(expected_digests=None, expected_size=None):</code> 

 These params are the same type/names as the ones used by BaseDownloader "here": 

 h2. Usage 

 For example I can call it with: 

 <code>my_artifact = Artifact.create_and_validate('/path/to/file', expected_digests={'sha256': Artifact.create_and_validate(expected_digests={'sha256': 'long_digest_value_goes_here'})</code> 

 h2. Exception Raising 

 If the sha256 doesn't match, I expect it to raise a DigestValidationError or a SizeValidationError, just like the downloaders. See this docstring: 

             :class:``: When any of the 
                 ``expected_digest`` values don't match the digest of the data passed to 
             :class:``: When the 
                 ``expected_size`` value doesn't match the size of the data passed to 

 ^ is from "here":
