


Issue #3891

Updated by ragbalak over 5 years ago

The pulp-ci which installs pulp in a remote environment fails to install when docker is installed in the environment. 

 *This was tested with pulp 2.17* 

 h2. Steps to reproduce 

 * Install docker in a f27 VM 
  dnf install docker -y 

 * Run the pulp-ci that installs pulp in the remote  
 ansible-playbook ci/ansible/pulp_server.yaml --inventory root@hostname, -e pulp_build=nightly -e pulp_version="'2.17'"  

 * During installation, the install OS tree task failed thereby terminating the ci installer 

 *Root Cause :* 
 Docker installs a dependency: subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates-1.21.x which obsoletes python-rhsm-certificates that causes a dependency problem for os tree installation. 

 This issue happens only when docker is pre installed. It doesn't happen in the reverse situation ( install docker after pulp installation). This was found when trying the nodepool migration for docker-np images and running pulp installer on top of that.  

 The whole stack trace is attached with this issue. 
