


Story #3723

Updated by bmbouter about 6 years ago

The pulp3 Ansible role will use the "pip module": need to support installing one or more Pulp plugins and will install a plugin generically. It will take run their migrations using Ansible variables. Here are the following variables: 


 Plugins can be installed from using the core installer by specifying options like: 

 * django_app_label - the app name that Pulp should have its migrations run for. 
 name - * editable 
 * extra_args 
 * name: # The name of a Python library to install or the url [or file path] of the remote package. As of 2.2 you can supply a list of names. It 

 'name' can take on the following types of data: 

 * VCS project url 
 * Local path to project  
 * Local or remote source archive 

 virtualenv - An optional path to a virtualenv directory to install into. If the virtualenv does not exist, it will be created before installing packages. Example for how this could work: 
 pulp_user - the user to switch to before installing * 
 editable - defualts to no. 

 It is expected that a plugin will bring in the entire Pulp stack with it when it runs. *
