Story #3657
Updated by almost 7 years ago
As a result of this story it will be possible to sync, upload, publish, copy and remove modulemd
We will accept a compressed yaml doc file which might have 1 or more modules. We will not check for the presence of the modular rpms in the destination repo
We will parse a compressed yaml doc file which might have 1 or more modules. We will not check for the presence of the modular rpms in the destination repo
We will successfully publish all modules, even those which are missing rpms. DNF-like clients are expected to fail gracefully in case of corrupted modules.
Default copy will be simple copy. It will copy just the module itself. No rpms are carried over.
For later: an option will be added '--recursive' which will copy over the module + its' rpms. For the modules which miss rpms we will log this and also add that info the task report of copy operation.
Default remove will be simple remove. It will remove just the module itself. No rpms are touched.
For later: an option will be added '--recursive' which will will remove the module and it's rpms in case those rpms are not referenced in the other modules within the repo.
* in the pulp repo modular and not modular rpms can co-exist.
* we cannot prevent from removal of rpms which can be part of a module.