


Issue #3564

Updated by bmbouter over 6 years ago

Sync of EPEL works in 2.15 - doesn't in 2.16. 

 # pulp-admin -v rpm repo sync run --repo-id epel-7-x86_64 
                 Synchronizing Repository [epel-7-x86_64] 

 This command may be exited via ctrl+c without affecting the request. 

 Downloading metadata... 
 ... completed 

 Downloading repository content... 
 [==================================================] 100% 
 RPMs:         0/0 items 
 Delta RPMs: 0/0 items 

 ... completed 

 Downloading distribution files... 
 [==================================================] 100% 
 Distributions: 0/0 items 

 Task Failed 

 Importer indicated a failed response 

 Deleting and rebuilding repo doesn't help. A sync in 2.15 works just fine. I'll attach logs. 
