


Task #3528

Updated by ttereshc over 6 years ago

 Current implementation of a dep solving supports only strong (@Requires:@) simple (@package_name@) dependencies. 
 In order to support strong (@Requires:@) rich (aka "boolean": dependencies an external library should be used. 
 The suggestion is to drop the current implementation of dep solving and for any kind of a dep solving start using: 
  - either @libdnf@ via its Python interface (python2-dnf) 
  - or @libsolv@ via its Python bindings (python2-solv) 

 @libdnf@ uses @libsolv@ and exposes a higher level    API to a user. 

 Both @libdnf@ and @libsolv@ requires @repodata@ to perform dep solving. 
 Some temporary working directory should be provided to a solver to store its cache there. 

 Use cases to keep in mind:   
 * list dependencies for a given rpm package 
 * list fulfilled dependencies (from a given list of available packages) for a given rpm package 
 * validate that all the dependencies (from a given list of available packages) for a given rpm package are fulfilled. 
 * perform dep solving against multiple repositories 

 An example of the dep solving use case in Pulp is a @recursive@ flag during a copy: 
 Dep solving related functionality to support: 

 Example usage of the @libsolv@ Python bindings: 
 Ping ttereshc @ttereshc for more details about examples for @libdnf@ case. 

 Figure out which library supports all required functionality. Keep in mind that performance is important as well. There could be repositories with 100K+ packages against which dep solving can be requested.
