


Task #3430

Updated by bmbouter almost 7 years ago

The installer document assumes the users use systemd. Not all OS's use systemd, so our install docs are limiting in that way. I think we should document the commands a user could run in the foreground when following the "PyPI install docs": I think the commands would be: 

 /path/to/python/bin/celery worker -A pulpcore.tasking.celery_app:celery -n resource_manager@%%h -Q resource_manager -c 1 --events --umask 18 
 /path/to/python/bin/celery worker -A pulpcore.tasking.celery_app:celery -n reserved_resource_worker-1@%%h -Q reserved_resource_worker-1 -c 1 --events --umask 18 
 /path/to/python/bin/celery worker -A pulpcore.tasking.celery_app:celery -n reserved_resource_worker-2@%%h -Q reserved_resource_worker-2 -c 1 --events --umask 18 

 One of the main goals of this change is to shorten and simplify the installation page. The systemd content is really great, and I think should get it's own page as a peer to the installation docs or maybe on a page called "Production Deployments" which could cover those kinds of topics.
