


Issue #3413

Updated by Ichimonji10 almost 7 years ago

Let's say I create a distribution by making an HTTP POST request to <code>/api/v3/distributions/</code>, with the following JSON body: 

 <pre><code class="json">{ 
   "base_path": "my-base-path", 
   "http": false, 
   "https": false, 
   "name": "distribution-name", 
   "publication": "", 

 This will return a distribution: 

 <pre><code class="json">{ 
   "_href": "", 
   "base_path": "my-base-path", 
   "base_url": "", 
   "http": false, 
   "https": false, 
   "name": "distribution-name", 
   "publication": "", 
   "publisher": null, 
   "repository": null 

 Furthermore, let's say that the publication at <code>…/api/v3/publications/publication-id/</code> contains a file named <code>1.iso.</code> At which URLs are this file available? None at all. Right?    After all, both "http" and "https" are false. Unfortunately, one can still GET the files at the following URLs: 

 * <code></code> <code></code> 
 * <code></code> <code></code>
