


Story #3091

Updated by ttereshc over 6 years ago

This is a request to provide a supported command line tool, installable as an RPM, to generate PULP_MANIFEST files in the right format for a directory structure. This should handle recursive generation as well as being able to re-run it and generate an updated PULP_MANIFEST. 

 There are a few examples of this in use today: 


 Rather than have floating around tools, users would benefit from a simple, supported tool from the Pulp project that properly generates what Pulp requires to sync a repository. 

 Requirements for the tool: 
  - name = 'pulp-manifest' 
  - it takes 1 positional argument that specifies a path to the directory where the PULP_MANIFEST file should be created 
  - it creates PULP_MANIFEST file by walking the directory structure recursively and recording information about files in the CSV format: file_name,checksum,file size  
  - if a PULP_MANIFEST already exists, it should be regenerated 
  - pulp-rpm.spec file should be updated to have this tool installable as a separate RPM.
