


Task #3102

Updated by over 6 years ago

h1. Background 

 During a discussion with Austin to resolve a problem implementing #3033, an interested question was raised - 
 "Why do Distributions needs to be owned by Publishers?"    This question came up when considering a solution to 
 a DRF difficulty related to both Publications and Distributions being nested under publisher/ AND related to 
 each other.    The idea being considered was to move Distributions to a top level resource.    Here are the benefits: 

 1. Resolves current DRF nesting issue w/ #3033.    (This is minor). 
 2. A distribution could be updated to reference any publication.    This is more flexible. 
 3. Since Distribution.base_path is unique across all repositories/publishers, it might be more intuitive to be 
 a top level resource? 

 Currently, the Distribution.publisher_id represents a parent-child relationship the mainly exists to support 
 automatic distribution.    When the publisher creates a new publication, it is automatically associated to any 
 of the publisher's distributions marked as auto_updated=True. 

 There are two challenges to moving the Distribution to a top-level resources. 

 1. The distribution name is currently unique by (publisher_id, name). 
 2. This would break automatic distribution as currently implemented. 

 Here are a few options to resolving these challenges: 

 1. The name could be unique across all distributions.    This seems reasonable. 
 2. Redesign automatic distribution.    (see proposal below). 
 3. Reconsider automatic distribution. 

 h1. Proposal: 

 The use case for automatic distribution is similar to automatic publishing.    The user has updated a 
 repository; has published it; and now wants to consume content.    This could be done by making 3 API calls: 1 
 sync; 2 publish; 3 update-a-distribution.    But, based on pulp2, users want to do this with 1 API call. 

 h3. Details: 

 1. Move distributions to the top level resource (no longer owned by a publisher). 
 2. Remove Distribution.publisher_id and Distribution.auto_updated. 
 3. Add (optional) Publisher.distribution_id.    The publisher_id no longer implies ownership but does indicate automatic distribution. When set, the referenced distribution will be updated with newly 
 3. created publications. 
 4. Update the publish task logic to use the Distribution.publisher_id (without auto-updated) Publisher.distribution_id instead of matching by (publisher_id, auto_updated=True) to implement automatic distribution. 

 New ER diagram: 


 Publisher <---* Publication 
    |                  ^ (0,1) 
    |                  | 
    |                  | 
    v*                 v (0,1)            | 
 Distribution -------- 

