


Task #2477

Updated by bmbouter over 6 years ago

h2. Problem 1 

 The project homepage is hosted by Github Pages[0] and uses the custom domain Github Pages does not support SSL with custom domains[1], but it does support SSL with default domains. SSL is still on which is worse because currently when you browse to it looks scary. 

 h2. Problem 2 

 Also that site is marked as spam (yikes) [2]. 

 h2. Solution 

 This task requires bash scripting skills and maybe some Jenkins or "Jenkins Job Builder": experience. The latter could probably be learned along the way. 

 We will move the hosting to a dedicated hosted VM openshift V2 environment just like is hosted. Ultimately this should serve both the docs and homepage websites, but for now this It will just the the main website. be a separate environment because each hosting environment can only handle one site due to how we are using openshift. 

 Jenkins will build and publish the site nightly similar to how the are built on Jenkins. To get this going we need a new Jenkins job defined. The Jenkins job needs to do three things: setup the build environment, build the website, and push it to the the hosted openshift V2 hosting environment. 

 1. A Jenkins job builder definition that will setup the build environment. This is similar to the "docs-builder-*": job that performs a similar function for 

 The first thing to do is to clone the website code in the build environment: 

 In the case of it just needs to setup the environment similar to what is documented in the "Build Locally": section. Unlike the docs-builder-* which has to be a template to manage a builder for each x.y version of Pulp, this job can be exactly one job since we have exactly one website, so it doesn't need to be a template. This should make it even simpler. 

 2. Build the environment. Build it just like you would any Jekyll site. 

 3. Publish it to the hosted openshift V2 environment that a core dev will create. This should be done with rsync and the -delete option so that old pages are always overwritten. You can see the doing that "here": although this is even simpler because there is only one case to handle instead of multiple like the docs builder needs to handle. Just rsync and overwrite from the root of the site everytime. 

 After JJB is building and publishing content a core dev can take the site live by handling DNS updates. 

