Task #2968
Updated by jortel@redhat.com over 7 years ago
The DeferredArtifact model need a uniqueness constraint added: (content_artifact, importer). I think django modeling magic will add indexes on both fields when the constraint is specified. In either case, these fields need to be indexed. I think the name can be improved. The record is always created (even when downloading is not deferred) and represents an artifact in a _remote_ or _external_ repository. It's used by the streamer for downloading and Publishers for information when a published Artifact does not exist. So, having _deferred_ in the name seems inappropriate. Perhaps something like: _RemoteArtifact_ or going back to something like _ArtifactCatalog_. Suggestions? Also, Lastly, this model takes the place of the _DownloadCatalog_ and it should be deleted. This affects the plugin API.