


Task #2895

Updated by bmbouter about 7 years ago

Add content handling urls Content WSGI application to serve conent. server content. Some can be cannibalized from pulp2. Mainly parts of the ContentView. [0] 

 The handling URLs Content WSGI application should be able to: 
 * Based on incoming request URL, determine the distribution 
 * Match the scheme against (http and https fields).    404 when scheme not enabled. 
 * Query the PublishedArtifact and PublishedMetadata tables (in that order) by URL path component to get the artifact or the metadata. 
 * respond with contents of the corresponding file 

 For this task the request and response should be handled with the normal WSGI application. content app. There is a task to do enable this with apache later [1]. 


 The content urls app can be broken out    deploy separately later with magic in the and/or separate .wsgi files. 


