Task #2682
Updated by bmbouter over 7 years ago
This should be roughly a two paragraph task which will add is to create a section on Docs plan to standardize documentation for plugins. Where will the plugin writer's guide. Explain that plugin writers can host their docs however they want, but some popular options are hosting on docs.pulpproject.org, readthedocs.org, on github pages, or via readme documentation files in live? Where will the plugin's repo on github. Explain that to host on docs.pulpproject.org your docs must meet the minimum requirements which is that your docs can documents be built by Sphinx with <code>git clone <your repo>;cd <your repo>/docs; make clean; make html</code>. The served? What information will every plugin be responsible for documenting separately? Will there be a template should already provide this. To enroll a plugin's docs on docs.pulpproject.org send an email request to of required information? Which parts of the pulp-dev mailing list with the repo details. in the http://pad-katello.rhcloud.com/p/pulp3_doc_structure documentation can be auto-generated?