


Story #2557

Updated by ttereshc about 7 years ago

As promised, here's output of --help-tree of my pa_tool. I think similar thing could drastically improve user experience with pulp-admin tool 

 [jluza@dhcp-24-116 rcm_pa_tool]$ python --env local rpm --help-tree 
 |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |     Keyword attributes: 
     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --importer_type_id <basestring> 		
     |         	 --importer_config <dict> 		
     |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --display_name <basestring> 		
     |         	 --distributors <list> 		
     |         	 --description <basestring> 		
     |         	 --notes <dict> 		
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
     |     |     Keyword attributes: 
     |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |     |    
     |     ----associate 
     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |     |         	 --auto_publish <bool> 		
     |     |         	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |     |         	 --distributor_id <basestring> 		
     |     |         	 --distributor_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     |        
     |     ----disassociate 
     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |     |        
     |     ----get 
     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |     |        
     |     ----list 
     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |     |        
     |     ----update 
     |             Keyword attributes: 
     |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |             	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
     |             	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
     |             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |             	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |             	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> 		
     |         	 --importers <bool> 		
     |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         	 --criteria <dict> 		
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --start_date <basestring> 		
     |         	 --end_data <basestring> 		
     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         	 --sort <basestring> 		
     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --limit <basestring> 		
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     |     Keyword attributes: 
     |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |     |    
     |     ----associate 
     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |     |         	 --importer_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
     |     |         	 --importer_config <dict> 		
     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     |        
     |     ----disassociate 
     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |     |         	 --IMPORTER_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |     |        
     |     ----list 
     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |     |        
     |     ----update 
     |             Keyword attributes: 
     |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |             	 --importer_config <dict> REQURIED 		
     |             	 --IMPORTER_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |             	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
     |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --importers <bool> 		
     |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --importers <bool> 		
     |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --start_date <basestring> 		
     |         	 --end_data <basestring> 		
     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --limit <basestring> 		
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         	 --sort <basestring> 		
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
             Keyword attributes: 
             	 --distributor_configs <dict> 		
             	 --importer_config <dict> 		
             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
             	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
 [jluza@dhcp-24-116 rcm_pa_tool](review/jindrich_luza/96306)$ python --env local --help-tree 
 |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     	 --port <str> 	 [443] 	
 |     	 --format <str> 	 [pretty] 	
 |     	 --server <str> 		
 |     	 --user <str> 		
 |     	 --conf_file <str> 	 [/etc/pa_tool/pa_config.json] 	
 |     	 --scheme <str> 	 [https] 	
 |     	 --debug <bool> 		
 |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     	 --password <str> 		
 |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 

 |     Mutual exclusive arguments: 
 |     	 --env {bool} 		 print help 
 |     	 pulp_conf <GROUP> 		 print help 
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----adv_fix 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --advisory <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----clear_tasks 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --in_bulk <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----comps_clean 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --repo_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |        
 |     ----comps_upload 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --skip_environments <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |         	 --skip_langpacks <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --comps <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --keep_old <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --repo_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --skip_categories <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --skip_groups <bool> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----copy_repo 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --new_repo_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |         	 --overwrite_config <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --old_repo_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----list_tasks 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----multi_push 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --repos_ids <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --distributor_id <str> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----multi_repo_create 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --importer_type_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --distributors <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --display_names <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --repos_ids <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --descriptions <dict> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----revert_association 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --nowait <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --task_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----task_duration 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --task_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----tasks_durations 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --tasks_id <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --tasks_ids_json <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----upload_advisory_str_to_repo 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --nowait <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --advisory <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --repo_id <str> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----upload_advisory_to_repo 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --nowait <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --filename <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --repo_id <str> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----upload_docker_to_repo 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --nowait <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --filename <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --unit_metadata <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --unit_key <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --repo_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --chunk_size <int> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --no_progress <bool> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----upload_iso_to_repo 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --nowait <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --filename <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --unit_metadata <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --unit_key <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --repo_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --chunk_size <int> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --no_progress <bool> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----upload_productid_to_repo 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --nowait <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --filename <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --unit_metadata <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --skip_notes <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --repo_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --unit_key <dict> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----upload_rpm_to_repo 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --nowait <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --filename <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --unit_metadata <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --unit_key <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --repo_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --chunk_size <int> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --no_progress <bool> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----upload_rpm_to_repo_scp 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --nowait <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --scp_user <str> 		
 |     |         	 --filename <str> 		
 |     |         	 --scp_destdir <str> 		
 |     |         	 --scp_sshkey <str> 		
 |     |         	 --scp_password <str> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --unit_metadata <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --no_progress <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --repo_id <str> 		
 |     |         	 --chunk_size <int> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --unit_key <dict> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----wait_for 
 |             Keyword attributes: 
 |             	 --task_ids <dict> 		
 |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----_import 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --unit_metadata <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --unit_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --upload_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --unit_key [<dict>|<NoneType>] 		
 |     |        
 |     ----copy 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |         	 --source_repo_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --dest_repo_id <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --criteria <dict> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----delete_upload 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --UPLOAD_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----get 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --unit_id <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --content_type <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----get_user_metadata 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --unit_id <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --content_type <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----list_upload 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --UPLOAD_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----orphans 
 |     |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |    
 |     |     ----clear 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --content_type_id <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----clearall 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----list 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --content_type_id <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----remove 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --content_type_id <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --content_unit_id <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----view 
 |     |             Keyword attributes: 
 |     |             	 --content_type_id <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |             	 --content_unit_id <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |            
 |     ----request_upload 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----search 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --include_repos <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --content_type <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |        
 |     ----set_user_metadata 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --unit_id <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --content_type <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --_data <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----unassociate 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --criteria <dict> 		
 |     |        
 |     ----upload_bits 
 |             Keyword attributes: 
 |             	 --UPLOAD_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |             	 --OFFSET <str> REQURIED 		
 |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 

 |             Positional attributes: 
 |              FILENAME <str> 	
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----repo 
 |         |     Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |    
 |         ----create 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --importer_type_id <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --display_name <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <list> 		
 |         |         	 --description <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --notes <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----delete 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |        
 |         ----distributor 
 |         |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |    
 |         |     ----associate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --auto_publish <bool> 		
 |         |     |         	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --distributor_id <basestring> 		
 |         |     |         	 --distributor_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----disassociate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----get 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----list 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----update 
 |         |             Keyword attributes: 
 |         |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |             	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |             	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |             	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |            
 |         ----get 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> 		
 |         |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --criteria <dict> 		
 |         |        
 |         ----history 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --start_date <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --end_data <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --sort <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --limit <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----importer 
 |         |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |    
 |         |     ----associate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --importer_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----disassociate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --IMPORTER_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----list 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----update 
 |         |             Keyword attributes: 
 |         |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |             	 --importer_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --IMPORTER_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |            
 |         ----list 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |        
 |         ----publish 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----search 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |        
 |         ----sync 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |        
 |         ----sync_history 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --start_date <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --end_data <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --limit <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --sort <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----unit_search 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |        
 |         ----update 
 |                 Keyword attributes: 
 |                 	 --distributor_configs <dict> 		
 |                 	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |                 	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |                 	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |                 	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |                 	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----repo 
 |         |     Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |    
 |         ----create 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --importer_type_id <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --display_name <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <list> 		
 |         |         	 --description <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --notes <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----delete 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |        
 |         ----distributor 
 |         |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |    
 |         |     ----associate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --auto_publish <bool> 		
 |         |     |         	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --distributor_id <basestring> 		
 |         |     |         	 --distributor_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----disassociate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----get 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----list 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----update 
 |         |             Keyword attributes: 
 |         |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |             	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |             	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |             	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |            
 |         ----get 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> 		
 |         |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --criteria <dict> 		
 |         |        
 |         ----history 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --start_date <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --end_data <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --sort <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --limit <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----importer 
 |         |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |    
 |         |     ----associate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --importer_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----disassociate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --IMPORTER_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----list 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----update 
 |         |             Keyword attributes: 
 |         |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |             	 --importer_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --IMPORTER_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |            
 |         ----list 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |        
 |         ----publish 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----search 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |        
 |         ----sync 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |        
 |         ----sync_history 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --start_date <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --end_data <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --limit <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --sort <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----unit_search 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |        
 |         ----update 
 |                 Keyword attributes: 
 |                 	 --distributor_configs <dict> 		
 |                 	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |                 	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |                 	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |                 	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |                 	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----grant_to_role 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --resource <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --role_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --operations <list> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----grant_to_user 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --resource <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --operations <list> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --login <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----revoke_from_role 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --resource <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --role_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --operations <list> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----revoke_from_user 
 |             Keyword attributes: 
 |             	 --resource <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |             	 --operations <list> REQURIED 		
 |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |             	 --login <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----docker 
 |     |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |    
 |     |     ----manifests_for_blob 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --blob <str> 		
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----tags_for_blob 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --blob <str> 		
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----tags_for_layer 
 |     |             Keyword attributes: 
 |     |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |             	 --layer <str> 		
 |     |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |            
 |     ----fix 
 |     |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |    
 |     |     ----fix_ccat 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --force_rsync <bool> 		
 |     |     |         	 --cdn_cert <str> 		
 |     |     |         	 --cdn_key <str> 		
 |     |     |         	 --ccat_json <str> 		
 |     |     |         	 --cdn_host <str> 		
 |     |     |         	 --test <bool> 		
 |     |     |         	 --cdn_ca <str> 		
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----fix_rsync_repodata 
 |     |             Keyword attributes: 
 |     |             	 --false <bool> 		
 |     |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |             	 --repo_id <str> 		
 |     |            
 |     ----multi 
 |     |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |    
 |     |     ----multi_push_file 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --repos_json_file <str> 		
 |     |     |         	 --distributor_id <str> 		
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----multi_repo_purge 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --repos_ids <dict> 		
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----multi_repo_url 
 |     |             Keyword attributes: 
 |     |             	 --repos_ids <dict> 		
 |     |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |            
 |     ----repoinfo 
 |     |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |    
 |     |     ----repo_from_content_set 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --fields <dict> 		
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --content_set <str> 		
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----repo_from_path 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --path <str> 		
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --fields <dict> 		
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----repo_from_registry 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --fields <dict> 		
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --content_set <str> 		
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----repos_from_adv 
 |     |             Keyword attributes: 
 |     |             	 --adv <str> 		
 |     |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |            
 |     ----verify 
 |         |     Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |    
 |         ----verify_adv 
 |                 Keyword attributes: 
 |                 	 --adv <str> 		
 |                 	 --fields <dict> 		
 |                 	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |                 	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----create 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --importer_type_id <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --display_name <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --distributors <list> 		
 |     |         	 --description <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --notes <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----delete 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |        
 |     ----distributor 
 |     |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |    
 |     |     ----associate 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --auto_publish <bool> 		
 |     |     |         	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --distributor_id <basestring> 		
 |     |     |         	 --distributor_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----disassociate 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----get 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----list 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----update 
 |     |             Keyword attributes: 
 |     |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |             	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |             	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |             	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |             	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |            
 |     ----get 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --details <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----history 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --start_date <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --end_data <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --sort <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --limit <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----importer 
 |     |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |    
 |     |     ----associate 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --importer_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----disassociate 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --IMPORTER_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----list 
 |     |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |     |        
 |     |     ----update 
 |     |             Keyword attributes: 
 |     |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |             	 --importer_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |             	 --IMPORTER_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |             	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |            
 |     ----list 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --details <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----publish 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----search 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |        
 |     ----sync 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |        
 |     ----sync_history 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --start_date <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --end_data <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --limit <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --sort <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----unit_search 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |        
 |     ----update 
 |             Keyword attributes: 
 |             	 --distributor_configs <dict> 		
 |             	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |             	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----add_repo 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --REPO_GROUP_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |        
 |     ----create 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --repo_ids <list> 		
 |     |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --display_name <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --description <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --notes <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----delete 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --REPO_GROUP_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----distributor 
 |     |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     |    
 |     |     ----distributor 
 |     |         |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         |    
 |     |         ----associate 
 |     |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         |         	 --REPO_GROUP_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         |         	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |         |         	 --distributor_id <basestring> 		
 |     |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         |         	 --distributor_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         |        
 |     |         ----disassociate 
 |     |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         |         	 --REPO_GROUP_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         |        
 |     |         ----get 
 |     |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         |         	 --REPO_GROUP_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         |        
 |     |         ----list 
 |     |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         |         	 --REPO_GROUP_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         |        
 |     |         ----update 
 |     |                 Keyword attributes: 
 |     |                 	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |                 	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |                 	 --REPO_GROUP_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |                 	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |                 	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |                
 |     ----get 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --REPO_GROUP_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----list 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----publish 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |     |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --REPO_GROUP_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |        
 |     ----remove_repo 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --REPO_GROUP_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |        
 |     ----update 
 |             Keyword attributes: 
 |             	 --REPO_GROUP_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |             	 --display_name <basestring> 		
 |             	 --description <basestring> 		
 |             	 --notes <dict> 		
 |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----add_user 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --ROLE_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --login <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----create 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --display_name <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |         	 --role_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --description <basestring> 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |        
 |     ----delete 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --ROLE_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----get 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --ROLE_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----list 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----remove_user 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --ROLE_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --LOGIN <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----update 
 |             Keyword attributes: 
 |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |             	 --ROLE_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |             	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----repo 
 |         |     Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |    
 |         ----create 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --importer_type_id <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --display_name <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <list> 		
 |         |         	 --description <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --notes <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----delete 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |        
 |         ----distributor 
 |         |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |    
 |         |     ----associate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --auto_publish <bool> 		
 |         |     |         	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --distributor_id <basestring> 		
 |         |     |         	 --distributor_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----disassociate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----get 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----list 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----update 
 |         |             Keyword attributes: 
 |         |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |             	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |             	 --distributor_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |             	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |            
 |         ----get 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> 		
 |         |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --criteria <dict> 		
 |         |        
 |         ----history 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --start_date <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --end_data <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --DISTRIBUTOR_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --sort <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --limit <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----importer 
 |         |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |    
 |         |     ----associate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --importer_type_id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----disassociate 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --IMPORTER_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----list 
 |         |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |     |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |     |        
 |         |     ----update 
 |         |             Keyword attributes: 
 |         |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |             	 --importer_config <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --IMPORTER_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |             	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |            
 |         ----list 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |        
 |         ----publish 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --id <basestring> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----search 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --importers <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --distributors <bool> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |        
 |         ----sync 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --override_config <dict> 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --wait <bool> 		 wait for result 
 |         |        
 |         ----sync_history 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --start_date <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --end_data <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --limit <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --sort <basestring> 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |        
 |         ----unit_search 
 |         |         Keyword attributes: 
 |         |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |         |         	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |         |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |         |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
 |         |        
 |         ----update 
 |                 Keyword attributes: 
 |                 	 --distributor_configs <dict> 		
 |                 	 --importer_config <dict> 		
 |                 	 --REPO_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |                 	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |                 	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |                 	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----distributors 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----importers 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----status 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----types 
 |             Keyword attributes: 
 |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |     Keyword attributes: 
 |     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |    
 |     ----delete 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --TASK_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----get 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --TASK_ID <str> REQURIED 		
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----list 
 |     |         Keyword attributes: 
 |     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |     |        
 |     ----search 
 |             Keyword attributes: 
 |             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
 |             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
 |             	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
     |     Keyword attributes: 
     |     	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |     	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --name <basestring> 		
     |         	 --password <basestring> 		
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         	 --login <basestring> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         	 --LOGIN <str> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         	 --LOGIN <str> REQURIED 		
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         Keyword attributes: 
     |         	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
     |         	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
     |         	 --criteria <dict> REQURIED 		
             Keyword attributes: 
             	 --help-tree <bool> 		 print help tree 
             	 --help <bool> 		 print help 
             	 --LOGIN <str> REQURIED 		
             	 --delta <dict> REQURIED 		
