


Task #90

Updated by bmbouter over 9 years ago

Currently has many feature requests in it. These feature requests (RFEs) need to be copied from Bugzilla and into Redmine. 

 This task involves migrating data between the systems using the Bugzilla and Redmine APIs in an automated way. 

 When moving a RFE, you'll have to do the following: 
 1) Move the following fields: description, priority, severity, status, reporter, assignee, QA-contact, version, and target release. 
 2) It would be good if the entire history of the bug/RFE were added into the notes or appended to the description in redmine. 
 3) Component is also good to be preserved, but you'll have to find equivalent ones in Redmine. 
 4) Move any attachments also 
 5) Add a link on the redmine issue that links back to the original bugzilla location 
 6) Mark the redmine issue as a 'Story' 

 Note: you do NOT need to worry about 'blocks' or 'depends' relationships yet, those will be handled in a separate task #92. story. 

 Once a RFE is copied into Redmine, the bugzilla RFE should be CLOSED with a yet-to-be-created-in-bugzilla status of 'MOVED_TO_REDMINE'. Ideally, a custom field would be added to the Pulp Bugzilla that would allow the redmine issue to be tracked when the bugzilla RFE is closed. If that is not possible, then a comment can be added with the URL to the new location in Redmine. 

 Bugzilla RFEs contain the string 'rfe' in them or the keyword 'FutureFeature'. I have created a bugzilla search[0] which should bugs which match either of these. There are ~125 bugs listed. 

