Story #5230
closedStory #3821: As a user, I can migrate from Pulp 2 to Pulp 3
As a user, I have a default configuration for MongoDB connection
Currently users need to add this config manually to their /etc/pulp/
The following config should be added automatically into /etc/pulp/ at installation time.
'name': 'pulp_database',
'seeds': 'localhost:27017',
'username': '',
'password': '',
'replica_set': '',
'ssl': False,
'ssl_keyfile': '',
'ssl_certfile': '',
'verify_ssl': True,
'ca_path': '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt',
Updated by over 5 years ago
The ansible-pulp installer provides all the configs. This config is only needed when the pulp-2to3-migrate plugin is installed. We have two options for adding this functionality to the installer:
1. Add a new role to ansible-pulp[0] called pulp-2to3-migrate and it
2. Create a seprate role published on galaxy called pulp-2to3-migrate-pre-requisite - rpm plugin does this and this will be easier to execute after a related task is done[1].
I am leaning toward 1 in this case, but 2 seems more correct.
Updated by over 5 years ago
- Tags Documentation added
The `pulp_settings` ansible variable allows arbitrary nested fields. The playbook user can specify:
'name': 'pulp_database',
'seeds': 'localhost:27017'
This will add PULP2_MONGDB to /etc/pulp/ Since thats all we need at the moment, I suggest we do not create a new role yet and just make this a documentation issue for the pulp-2to3-migration plugin.
Updated by ttereshc about 5 years ago
- Project changed from Pulp to Migration Plugin
Updated by ttereshc almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from NEW to CLOSED - CURRENTRELEASE
- Sprint/Milestone set to 0.1.0
The default configuration comes in for the plugin and it's used if user doesn't specify anything in their own settings. The configuration is documented as well. If user wants to changes anything, they need to add it to their settings themselves.