==== verify key based publish (full publish) ====
"distributor_id": "iso_rsync_distributor",
"distributor_type_id": "iso_rsync_distributor",
"distributor_config": {
"remote": {
"ssh_identity_file": "/home/vagrant/openshift",
"ssh_user": "57840d112d527166ac000259",
"host": "rsync-bmbouter.rhcloud.com",
"root": "/var/lib/openshift/57840d112d527166ac000259/app-root/repo/diy"
"predistributor_id": "iso_distributor"
"id": "iso_rsync_distributor"
# verify that all remote content is deleted rm -rf content repos
pulp-admin iso repo delete --repo-id test
pulp-admin orphan remove --all
pulp-admin iso repo create --repo-id test
pulp-admin iso repo uploads upload --file cow-2.2-3.noarch.rpm --repo-id test
pulp-admin iso repo uploads upload --file giraffe-0.67-2.noarch.rpm --repo-id test
pulp-admin iso repo publish run --repo-id test
http --verify no --auth admin:admin POST https://localhost/pulp/api/v2/repositories/test/distributors/ < iso_rsync_distributor_config.json
http --verify no --auth admin:admin POST https://localhost/pulp/api/v2/repositories/test/actions/publish/ < iso_publish_rsync.json
# Verify that the file in the contents directory at the path containing 'iso'
# Verify the <some file> symlink is published and that symlink is correct
# Verify that a PULP_MANIFEST is created and that its contents name <some file>
PASS from bmbouter
=== content_units_only ===
# verify that all remote content is deleted rm -rf content repos
Same test as key based test above, except use this:
"id": "iso_rsync_distributor",
"override_config": {"content_units_only": true}
# Verify that the only the contents directory is created and that there is no repos directory.
PASS from bmbouter
=== delete ===
# verify that all remote content is deleted rm -rf content repos
# Do the normal pulblish local
# publish remote using config below:
"id": "iso_rsync_distributor"
# Add some extra files to the remote iso repo to simulate files which will be removed with deleted
# publish again remote, but this time with the following distributor overrides
"id": "iso_rsync_distributor",
"override_config": {"delete": true}
# verify that on the second publish those added files are deleted
!! FAIL from bmbouter. The file added as a peer to PULP_MANIFEST was not removed
PASS from bmbouter
=== remote_units_path ===
Same test as key based test above, except use this:
"id": "iso_rsync_distributor",
"override_config": {"remote_units_path": "foo/bar"}
# verified that the expected foo/bar is created
# verified that the symlinks are correct to use this new structure
PASS from bmbouter