


Pulp Container Roadmap » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (, 02/21/2018 04:19 PM) → Revision 2/34 (, 02/21/2018 06:28 PM)

# Pulp Docker Roadmap 

 This is a living document that is moving towards a long term plan to develop Docker plugin for Pulp 3.0 and beyond. 

 ## Supported Content Types 

 ### MVP 

   - Image manifest schema1 and schema2 
   - Manifest list 
   - Blob 
   - Tag 

 ## Pulp Docker Plugin Use Cases 

 ### MVP 

 ##### Sync 

   - As a user I can sync docker repo from docker registry   
     \* assumes registry is compliant v2 api specs   
     \* with token based auth or basic auth   
     \* specify \`feed\` and \`upstream_name\` 
   - As a user I can sync from a docker repo published by Pulpand served by Crane 
   - As a user, I can exactly mirror the content of a remote repository. 
   - As a user, I can mirror the content of a remote repository with an additive behavior, so content is never removed locally. 

 **NOTE**: dropping enable_v1, enable_v2, mask_id options 

 h5 Publish 

   - As a user I can create a publication of docker content   
     \* publication is consumable by Crane 
   - As a user, I can specify relative path at which a repository will be served. 

 ##### Addition of the content to the repo with deps 

   - As a user I can add Manifest and all Blobs it references to the destination repo 
   - As a user I can add Manifest List and all Manifests and Blobs it references to the destination repo 
   - As a user I can add Tag and all its' associated content it references to the destination repo 

 ##### Upload Artifacts( units are not created): 

   - As a user I can upload   
     \* Manifest Lists   
     \* Image Manifests   
     \* Blobs   
     \* (no upload of tags) 

 ##### Create Content Units from uploaded Artifacts: 


 ### Post-MVP 

 ##### Sync 

   - As a user I can sync a registry by whitelisting tags ( Filtered Sync) 

 ## What will be dropped in Pulp3 

   - v1 API support. In Pulp3 we'll have just v2 api registry and corresponding v2 content types 
   - v1/search. There is no v2/search so \`docker search\` for v2 content will not work. If upstream docker will add support for v2 docker content search by the time we deliver docker plugin for pulp3 we will reconsider and include the endpoint.