


Pulp 3 Smoke Test Plan » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (, 08/31/2017 10:33 PM) → Revision 2/12 (, 08/31/2017 10:34 PM)

# Pulp 3.0 Smoke Test Plan 


 Verify that the following functionalities are working 

 1.    Add a user 
 2.    View user(s) 
 3.    Update any user details 
 4.    Delete a user 


 1.    Create a repo 
 2.    Read a repo 
 3.    Update all mutable repo fields  
 4.    Delete a repo  
 5.    List all repos   
     \# All fields are included   
     \# Pagination is supported 
 6.    List a repository's associated importers and publishers by type   
     \# All fields are included   
     \# Pagination is supported 


 1.    Create an importer 
 2.    Read an importer 
 3.    Update all mutable importer fields 
 4.    Delete an importer (asynchronous) 


 1.    List all tasks 

 <!-- end list --> 

 1.    Filtering support on \['state', 'id', 'group'\]   
     This does not include associated progress reports 
 2.    See a detail view for a specific task 

 <!-- end list --> 

 1.    All attributes of a task   
     All associated progress reports 
 2.    Cancel a task