Pulp 3 Minimum Viable Product » History » Revision 6
Revision 5 (Ichimonji10, 11/07/2016 04:42 PM) → Revision 6/167 (Ichimonji10, 11/07/2016 04:46 PM)
# Pulp 3.0.0 Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
## Authentication
I can login with a username and password that Pulp stores
I can CRUD a user
I can list all users
I can change the password of a user
I can acquire a token to access the API
I can invalidate all JWT tokens for a given user
## Repositories
I can list all repos
I can CRUD a repository
I can list associated importers and publishers
I can list content in a repository
I can summarize content in a repo (including counts)
I can CRUD an importer
I can CRUD a publisher
## Content Manipulation
I can sync an importer
I can publish a publisher
I can upload *(What to where?)*
I can copy *(What from where to where?)*
I can clean up orphans
## Filter
I can filter all nouns *(What is the meaning of "filter?" What is a noun?)*
## Task Management
I can list all tasks and filter them
I can see a detail view for a specific task including its progress and results
I can cancel tasks
## Task Group
I can view a summary of the status of all tasks in a group
## Event Listener Notifier
I can receive serialized task info via AMQP on each task save
## Status
I can view the status of all pulp components
I can view an overall health attribute
I can view information about unapplied migrations
## Plugin API
We will have one
We will use one
It will be semantically versioned at 0.x separate from the REST API
*Will this API be a Python code interface, a networked HTTP interface, or something else? In other words, for Pulp to use a plugin, will Pulp look for Python code, will it make HTTP calls to some networked resource, or something else?*
*What are three examples of plugins that will be written? (One goal is "we will use one," so presumably some specific plug-ins are already in mind.)*
## CLI
We will port what is there with as little effort as possible
repo CRUD
CRUD for importers
CRUD for publishers
trigger syncs
trigger publish
list content in a repo
server status
list and cancel tasks
authn via basic auth
## Nectar Plugin Download API
I can download files via HTTP, HTTPS
I can download via file://
Authentication parity with 2.y
Recommend something for bandwidth limiting
Verify integrity of downloaded files
Alternate content source support
Streamer parity with 2.y
## Consumer Applicability
Using consumer profiles and repo bindings I can compute applicability with 2.y parity
Performance needs to be awesome
## ISO exports
Export a group of repos to a single iso
## Plugin compatibility
rpm will work with platform
puppet will work with platform
ostree will work with platform
python will work with platform
file_plugin will work with platform
docker will work with platform
## Migrations
users can run an executable similar to pulp-manage-db that is not named pulp-manage-db