


Pulp 3 Developer Notes » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (bizhang, 06/06/2017 03:41 PM) → Revision 9/14 (bizhang, 06/08/2017 10:38 PM)

# Pulp 3 Developer Notes 

 This wiki page is intended for use during early development of Pulp 3. Over time, as our development practices become standard, the contents of this page should be moved into the [Pulp Contributing Guide]( 

 Before reporting issues with the development environment, please ensure that you are using the latest version. 

 ## Migrations 

 In both platform and plugins, the data model is not complete. As a result, committing migrations to the 3.0-dev branch will result in merge/migration conflicts from pull request to pull request. The simplest solution for now is not to commit migrations to the repository. 

 Because User model depends on Django's auth app having been migrated, this means that you currently need to run `python migrate auth` before running a general `python migrate` to set up the pulp database. 

 ### Making migrations during development 

 Tests require migrations to run, so while we should not *commit* migrations to the repositories just yet, we do still need to *make* them. This can be done with the `python makemigrations` command. Apps that depend on the platform migrations existing (such as plugins) may cause errors when making migrations. To avoid these errors, platform migrations should be made prior to installing any plugins. 

 Once the initial migrations are created, and model changes made thereafter will require `python makemigrations` to be run again, following by @python migrate" so Django can apply the model changes to the database. 

 If you are using the vagrant environment this is done during provisioning. The `pclean` alias takes care of migrations after resting the db. 

 ## Starting a Web Server 

 The Django development server can be started with `python runserver`. This will run a basic WSGI app that exposes the URLs routed in ``, allowing you to access the REST API. 

 If you're using the vagrant [hostmanager]( plugin, you can easily access the API from the host machine by explicitly binding the web server to all interfaces, e.g. `python runserver`. This should make the API browseable at 

 ### Authentication 

 We currently enable Basic HTTP Authentication on the REST API. This can be temporarily disabled by commenting out the `'DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES': ('rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated',)` line in the `REST_FRAMEWORK` section in `app/pulp/app/`. Note that this doesn't disable authentication, it just authorizes unauthenticated users to take any action. Basic Authentication should still work. 

 ## Tasks 

 ### Starting Services 

 If using the vagrant environment, you can start the services with the alias `pstart`. Afterwards, use `prestart`. 

 To start the processes manually, if you are using a virtual environment, be sure that the path to celery matches the virtual environment that includes pulp, any plugins, and pulp dependencies. 

 sudo -u apache /usr/bin/celery beat --app=pulpcore.tasking.celery_app:celery --app=pulp.tasking.celery_app:celery -l=INFO --pidfile=/var/run/pulp/ 

 sudo -u apache /usr/bin/celery worker -A pulpcore.tasking.celery_app:celery pulp.tasking.celery_app:celery -n resource_manager@%%h\ 
             -Q resource_manager -c 1 --events --umask 18 --pidfile=/var/run/pulp/\ 
             --heartbeat-interval=5 -l=INFO 

 sudo -u apache /usr/bin/celery worker -n reserved_resource_worker-123s@h\ 
           -A pulpcore.tasking.celery_app:celery pulp.tasking.celery_app:celery -c 1 --events --umask 18\ 
           --heartbeat-interval=5 -l=INFO 

 ### Deploy tasks from shell 

 apply_async and apply_async_with_reservation tasks can be tested from a django shell `python shell_plus` I usually do the following to test tasks 

 from import repository 
 from import Repository 
 import uuid 


 ### Deploy sync task from REST API 

 1\. Make sure that you have the file plugin installed with a developer setup.   
 2\. Define a `sync` method on the `FileImporter` model.   
 3\. Create a repository on the browseable api:   
 4\. Create an importer. Note, you must specify the plugin in the URL.   
 5\. Sync at the importer's url<uuid>/sync 

 ## PyPI 

 ### Publishing to PyPI 

 `python sdist bdist_wheel --python-tag py3`   
 `twine upload -s dist/{package}*` 

 ### Installing from PyPI 

 `pip3 install pulpcore`   
 *set up database and migrations*   
 `django-admin runserver`