Pulp 2 16 Test Result Summary¶
Status: [ ] Not Started [ ] In Progress [ ] Paused [ ] Blocked [X ] Finished
Started On:
Finished On: April 3, 2018
Beta/RC URL: https://repos.fedorapeople.org/pulp/pulp/beta/2.16/
Redmine URL: http://https://pulp.plan.io/issues?query_id=61
Automated tests have increased from 584 in 2.15 to 614 in 2.16. The jobs were run nightly on EL7, Fedora 25 and Fedora 26 and Fedora 27. Upgrade jobs were run on RC builds. Upgrade had some issues related to the upgrade to Celery 4.0, but they were addressed by the release engineering before RC. Manual testing was limited to the scenarios that do not yet have pulp smash tests.
Pulp QE team approves the release of the 2.16 RC to GA.
Beta History
Beta 1: March 20, 2018
RC 1: March 27, 2018
[[Status: [X] PASSED [ ] FAILED
System: x86_64
RHEL 7.4
Installation PASS PASS
Upgrade PASS PASS]]
Issues Addressed
Debian Support
80 Design data model to support Debian repos
2938 Add pep8speaks
2764 Ability to publish more than one dist+component combination
2765 Ability to sync more than one dist/component
3407 Upgrade the Celery stack that Pulp ships on EL7 to Celery + Kombu 4.x
3135 As a user, I have a setting to mitigate when workers go missing under heavy loads
3352 Make config.get_boolean return given default value
RPM Support
3474 gpg_cmd configuration option should not be accepted in repo config or overrides
3091 As a user, I can create a manifest for the files in a directory
3377 Add support for SUSE Errata format
3444 I can sign packages ONLY with gpg, and only with one key
Issues automated:
Issue added to the automation backlog
Updated by pthomas@redhat.com almost 7 years ago · 2 revisions