


31+ Ideas (post MVP) » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (bmbouter, 03/21/2017 08:56 PM) → Revision 3/28 (bmbouter, 03/28/2017 06:28 PM)

# 3.1+ Ideas (post MVP) 

 ### Authentication 

   - External 
   - Expiring passwords 
   - REMOTE_USER support? 

 ### Authorization 

 \<put ideas here\> 

 ### Repository 

   - Versioned repositories 

 ### Content Manipulation 

   - Sync can have "sync" options. 
   - Sync options are different than "importer" attributes. 

 ### Importers 

   - Sync from multiple importers 
   - We need to support multiple importers to properly support distributions and ostree (with distributions). 
   - add auto-publish feature 

 ### Task Management 

 Allow filtering of tasks on 'completed' or 'started'. These 'meta' states are not states directly, but they represent a group of states. For instance 'completed' would be represent 'skipped', 'completed', 'failed', and 'canceled'. 

 Additional filtering support: 

   - worker 
   - started_at, filtered by less than, greater than 
   - finished_at, filtered by less than, greater than 
   - resource field on an associated ReservedResource 

 As an authenticated user I can DELETE a task 

 ### Task Scheduling 

 ### Server Plugins (which content types are available and importers and publishers) 

 ### Plugin Download API 

   - FTP