


2200 Release Schedule » History » Revision 12

Revision 11 (ttereshc, 07/08/2019 05:28 PM) → Revision 12/13 (ttereshc, 07/08/2019 05:28 PM)

# 2.20.0 Release Schedule 

 The current tentative release date for 2.20.0 is July 10, 9, 2019 

 ## Checklist 

 The first item on the list **not** struck through is in progress. 

   - ~~Dev Freeze date~~  
       - ~~June 25, 2019~~ 
   - ~~RC1 Build date~~ 
       - ~~July 3, 2019~~ 
       - ~~Targeting all content here: 
   - ~~Prerequisites to building:~~ 
       - ~~Issues blocking release~~ 
       - ~~No procedural issues blocking this release (broken CI env, and similar)~~ 
   - waiting period (at least 1 week after RC1 release date) before the GA build 
       - QE can give a green light for the GA release after 1 week 
       - In case of any issues found during this period, a new RC will be built and a new waiting period will be defined by QE and release contact person. 
       - GA Date (tentative): July 10, 2019 
   - verify [issues with]( "verification required" set 

 The rest of the checklist is conditional on whether or not blockers are found in the release cycle; this page will be updated as the 2.20.0 release progresses. See the [[Release Schedule#Release-Stage-Conditions]] for more details. 

 If all goes well, and no blocking bugs delay further release stages, this release should become Generally Available July 10, 9, 2019. This page will be updated as progress is made. 

 Release Contact: ttereshc on freenode (#pulp and#pulp-dev) 

 ## QE Coverage 
