


Issue #8180

Updated by pulpbot over 2 years ago


 **Ticket moved to GitHub**: "pulp/pulpcore/1963": 


 We have been using a pulp2 installation serving yum repos to ~1200 clients. We have now moved to a pulp3 installation and when we first made the move client yum runs was very slow. I mean timeout-slow, grinding our puppet runs to a halt and forcing me to revert back to our pulp2 instance.  

 Pulp3 is behind a apache reverse proxy, and I'm seeing errors like: 
  AH01102: error reading status line from remote server 

 There is no shortage of cpu/ram on the server. Pulp is connected to a remote postgresql server, which was my first suspect but after quite a lot of troubleshooting and testing we concluded that the problem seemed to be the pulp server. 

 After further debugging I found additional error logs from Apache: 
 AH03490: scoreboard is full, not at MaxRequestWorkers.Increase ServerLimit. 
 AH00484: server reached MaxRequestWorkers setting, consider raising the MaxRequestWorkers setting 
 I'm using mpm_event in Apache where default value for ServerLimit is 16, I increased this to 30. I increased MaxRequestWorkers from 400 (default) to 750.  

 I also increased the number of aiohttpd workers for the pulpcore-content service from 2 to 6. This measure was more of a wild guess based on aiohttpd documentation and I don't know if it is relevant for the content serving in Pulp. 

 After these measures the performance was a lot better. Not quite as good as pulp2 and I still get an occasional failed puppetrun because of dnf, but it's pretty good, good enough. I was under some time pressure to get our pulp3 environment up and running and therefore I introduced both measures at the same time, so unfortunately I can't say if the increase in content workers had any effect. The Apache errors are gone though which i guess makes quite a difference.  

 I was looking for any information about Pulp3 content serving tuning or any existing issues regarding this, but found nothing. But some pointers in the documentation about how to tune the content serving would be really nice.  

 Using rpm based installation on RHEL8 with  
