Story #5091
Updated by pulpbot about 3 years ago
**Ticket moved to GitHub**: "pulp/pulpcore/1840": ---- ### Problem To allow remote storage and serving of Pulp content it would be great if an exporter would rsync content to a remote location. ### Design In Pulp3 an 'exporter' can send content out of a Pulp system. An exporter named RsyncExporter should be created that takes the most important option that rsync accepts. Additionally the RsyncExporter takes either a 'repository' or 'repository_version' but not both. If 'repository' it will publish the latest repository_version. TBD: which fields specifically? ### Implementation Internally it will write the entire repository to a temporary area on-disk and then shell out to rsync. Other ports of rsync-like functionality to Python I don't believe contain the optimization and stability of rsync itself. ### On Demand Content This feature does not work for on-demand content because the content must be present locally for rsync to ship it to the remote system.