Story #9031
Updated by pulpbot almost 3 years ago
**Ticket moved to GitHub**: "pulp/pulp_rpm/2282": ---- This issue is best understood by comparing `retain_package_versions` with the similar `retained_versions` options from pulpcore: `retained_versions` uses Integer >= 1 plus `Null` value, where `retain_package_versions` uses integer >= 0 and no `Null` value. Most pulp options use `Null` to mean "ignore the effect of this option completely". In addition "retain 0 packages of a version" = "retain all versions of the package" is inherently unintuitive. Both for consistency with the rest of pulp and the "natural language" meaning, `retain_packgae_versions` should use `Null` to mean "Ignore this option/keep all versions". See the community discussion here: P.S.: I am also wondering if the `retain_package_versions` makes sense for other plugins that host "packages", like python and Debian. In that case it might be good to move this feature to pulpcore. (As far as I can tell the implementation uses age and is not RPM specific). But I will open a separate issue for that.