


Issue #8181

Updated by pulpbot over 2 years ago


 **Ticket moved to GitHub**: "pulp/pulp_container/485": 


 In Pulp Container there are 2 repo types, so bindings provide 2 API classes for it:   

 I'd expect    to see the same for repository versions but there is only one available:   

 To be fair, it works with both types of repositories, however if you look at a help text for it    
 or try to use without all required parameters. It makes it look like it works with push repos only. 

 >>> repov_api = bindings.RepositoriesContainerVersionsApi(api_client) 
 >>> repov_api.list() 
 TypeError                                   Traceback (most recent call last) 
 <ipython-input-8-0d222553864b> in <module> 
 ----> 1 repov_api.list() 

 TypeError: list() missing 1 required positional argument: 'container_container_push_repository_href' 

 >>> help(repov_api.list) 

 Help on method list in module pulpcore.client.pulp_container.api.repositories_container_versions_api: 

 list(container_container_push_repository_href, **kwargs) method of pulpcore.client.pulp_container.api.repositories_container_versions_api.RepositoriesContainerVersionsApi instance 
     List repository versions    # noqa: E501 
     ContainerPushRepositoryVersion represents a single container push repository version.    Repository versions of a push repository are not allowed to be deleted. Versioning of such repositories, as well as creation/removal, happens automatically without explicit user actions. Users could make a repository not functional by accident if allowed to delete repository versions.    # noqa: E501 
     This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an 
     asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True 
     >>> thread = api.list(container_container_push_repository_href, async_req=True) 
     >>> result = thread.get() 
     :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously 
     :param str container_container_push_repository_href: (required) 
     :param str content: content 
     :param str content__in: content__in 
     :param int limit: Number of results to return per page. 
     :param str number: number 
     :param str number__gt: number__gt 
     :param str number__gte: number__gte 
     :param str number__lt: number__lt 
     :param str number__lte: number__lte 
     :param str number__range: number__range 
     :param int offset: The initial index from which to return the results. 
     :param str ordering: Which field to use when ordering the results. 
     :param str pulp_created: pulp_created 
     :param str pulp_created__gt: pulp_created__gt 
     :param str pulp_created__gte: pulp_created__gte 
     :param str pulp_created__lt: pulp_created__lt 
     :param str pulp_created__lte: pulp_created__lte 
     :param str pulp_created__range: pulp_created__range 
     :param str fields: A list of fields to include in the response. 
     :param str exclude_fields: A list of fields to exclude from the response. 
     :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will 
                              be returned without reading/decoding response 
                              data. Default is True. 
     :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one 
                              number provided, it will be total request 
                              timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of 
                              (connection, read) timeouts. 
     :return: PaginatedRepositoryVersionResponseList 
              If the method is called asynchronously, 
              returns the request thread. 


