


Issue #9000

Updated by dalley about 3 years ago

I have plenty of space in my VM - enough to sync centos7, centos8 baseos, and another 3gb of repos (total around 13gb) easily.    And probably more beyond that. 

 If I on-demand sync my centos7-repo-into-file-repo and then hit it with locust to exercise the on-demand downloading, requests quickly start failing due to lack of space on the device, with only about half of the files downloaded. 


 Strangely /var/lib/pulp/ is not the culprit 

 (pulp) [vagrant@pulp3-source-fedora34 devel]$ du --summarize --human-readable /var/lib/pulp 
 1.5G      /var/lib/pulp 

 Perhaps /tmp is mounted in memory? 

 [vagrant@pulp3-source-fedora34 ~]$ free 
                total          used          free        shared    buff/cache     available 
 Mem:           8143748       1527492        185568       1700732       6430688       4627912 
 Swap:                0             0             0 
 [vagrant@pulp3-source-fedora34 ~]$ 


 This is unrelated to caching, which was turned off.
