


Story #8846

Updated by about 3 years ago

Basically, this means that pulp_installer 3.14.0 3.14.z (or possibly 3.13.1 / 3.13.2) will be able to install pulpcore 3.14.z . 

 The benefit for users is that they will not need to always have the latest micro version of pulp_installer. 

 And the benefit to the pulp team is that we will not need to do a pulp_installer micro release for every pulpcore micro release. 

 This is a variation of the 1 year old proposal for versions/branches in pulp_installer, and a variation of the specific micro release policy we implemented originally in #5618. 

 Reference from #5618: 

         * Original discussion: 
             * [mikedep333's proposal]( 
             * [bmbouter's couter-proposal to do micro-versioned releases]( 
             * [mikedep333's agreement/details for micro-versioned releases]( 
