


Issue #8552

Updated by about 3 years ago

mcorr: The next section is titled Variables Nowhere does it tell users why this is the second topic in the Installer guide. I propose we change this to "Customizing your installation to suit your environment" and give a list of popular and known changes that you can pass through to the Ansible installer via the variables. In this way, the user has been inspired to think about possible options they might need. 

 mikedep333: I suggest we make this an entire page. It should list: 
 1. Note on how Ansible lets you specify variables in multiple ways, and how we use files/playbooks in the example. 
 2. Explanation of customization variables (like pulp_install_plugins) vs accommodating IT environments variables (like firewall) 
 3. Move the "Recommended Workflows for Pulpcore & Plugin Versioning" section to it. 
 4. List the most commonly used vars, with some examples 
 5. Reference the roles for more info. 
 6. Clarify pulp_settings vs other vars.
