


Test #8041

Updated by ttereshc over 3 years ago

Those tests require 2 snapshots. 

 Snapshot 1: 
  - empty repo, no importer,    a distributor 
  - rpm-with-modules repo, on_demand importer, a distributor 
  - rpm-distribution-tree repo, on_demand importer, a distributor 
  - srpm-unsigned repo, on_demand importer, a distributor 

 Snapshot 2: 
  - empty repo and its distributor unchanged 
  - rpm-with-modules repo (remove one package, clean orphans), importer feed change, distributor with no changes 
  - rpm-distribution-tree repo unchanged, its importer unchanged, distributor checksum_type change 
  - srpm-unsigned repo unchanged, repo name change, distributor relative path change 
  - rpm-richweak-deps repo (sync, remove one package, no orphan cleanup) 
