


Story #4689

Updated by daviddavis about 4 years ago

## Motivation 

 Pulp as a multi-process system needs to make debugging easy. Currently it is hard to: 

 1. Identify which log statements are related to a specific API request 
 2. Filter out all of those that aren't 
 3. Do this across multiple processes 

 Additionally, there is a use case where an external system wants to provide the correlation id, e.g. Katello wants to submit the correlation ID as part of the request. 

 ## Solution 

 Use [django-cid]( by default, and document that it's available for users to use. 

 ## Implementation 

 ### Enabling in Pulp itself 

 1. Add django-cid as an installed app 
 2. Reconfigure the default Django logger config in []( to incorporate the CID 
 3. Add user documentation identifying the types of things they can additionally configure 
 4. Add a test to assert Pulp viewset logs contain an autogenerated CID 

 ### Enabling in the App 

 1. Add a test to assert content app logs contain an autogenerated CID 

 ### Enabling in Tasking System 

 1. **Create the field on task and set it**: Add a field to the Task model called `logging_cid`. Have the [`enqueue_with_reservation`]( function set this field when it creates a Task object with the value of [`get_cid`]( 

 2. **Have the CID log on the resource manager itself:**    Have the [`_queue_reserved_task`]( method call [`set_cid()`]( with the value of the new `logging_cid` from the ``inner_task``. This will enable the correlation ID in the resource_manager logs for that task also. 

 3. **Have all tasks also use the CID:**    Have the [`perform_job`]( call [`set_cid()`]( with the value of the `logging_cid` from the task. This will enable the correlation ID in all pulp task logs without them having to change their signatures. 

 4. Lastly, expose the `logging_cid` in the task API for users to see.
