


Issue #7141

Updated by almost 4 years ago

Say you have two repos that contain the same rpm, but at different paths: 



 Now you sync them both using 'on_demand' , but lets say the os repo gets the unit imported first.    The rpm unit gets created with a relativepath of: 


 and then a lazy_catalog_content entry gets created with a url of: 

 This is all correct, now the unit gets processsed for the ks repo.    It correctly reuses the same unit, but then creates a 2nd lazy_catalog_content entry with a url of: 

 Its using the relativepath of the rpm unit to build the lazy_catalog_content's url attribute.    In reality this looks like: 

 > db.lazy_content_catalog.find({"path": {$regex: '.*libXxf86vm\-devel\-1\.1\.4\-9\.el8\.i686\.rpm'}}) 
 { "_id" : ObjectId("5f07ee48cc531034cce38acc"), "_ns" : "lazy_content_catalog", "path" : "/var/lib/pulp/content/units/rpm/8a/cd9d02545dff8fab381aaa6185a778a26cacbec1585bcd8f7b2f6509f254a2/libXxf86vm-devel-1.1.4-9.el8.i686.rpm", "importer_id" : "5f07ed47cc53103b7b1f02c9", "unit_id" : "305ec066-9d0f-46a7-a198-6b966218a40e", "unit_type_id" : "rpm", "url" : "", "checksum" : "e375334723b40b39a407d243d1dab859a6edf1b2b383faa68c257c1afb399e2f", "checksum_algorithm" : "sha256", "revision" : 1, "data" : {    } } 
 { "_id" : ObjectId("5f07ef17cc531034b8afd793"), "_ns" : "lazy_content_catalog", "path" : "/var/lib/pulp/content/units/rpm/8a/cd9d02545dff8fab381aaa6185a778a26cacbec1585bcd8f7b2f6509f254a2/libXxf86vm-devel-1.1.4-9.el8.i686.rpm", "importer_id" : "5f07ed0dcc53103b7b1f02b5", "unit_id" : "305ec066-9d0f-46a7-a198-6b966218a40e", "unit_type_id" : "rpm", "url" : "", "checksum" : "e375334723b40b39a407d243d1dab859a6edf1b2b383faa68c257c1afb399e2f", "checksum_algorithm" : "sha256", "revision" : 1, "data" : {    } } 

 Directions to reproduce: 

 1.    Sync the rhel 8 base os repo using on_demand 
 2.    Sync the rhel 8 kickstart repo using on_demand 

 attempt to fetch each rpm from the kickstart repo or base os repo (maybe a random assortment of each) 

 Results, you will get a lot of 404s from the streamer app: 

 Jul 13 17:19:35 dhcp-8-30-46 pulp_streamer: pulp.streamer.server:INFO: Download failed [404]: 


 This is because becaues its using the wrong relative path when fetching rpms from the kickstart repo.      Its non-deterministic as to which lazy_content_catalogue entry it will pick, so some will get a 404 and some won't.    Re-trying to download an rpm again, may result it in working.
