


Story #1209

Updated by bmbouter almost 9 years ago

As user, I can upload docker v2 blobs and v2 manifest directly to pulp without performing sync operation. The solution 
 Solution will consists of  
 2 new importers: docker_blob_importer, docker_manifest_importer. Each of them allows user to upload different kind of content directly from local machine. 

 new types: 
 +BLOB_TYPE_ID = 'docker_blob' 
 +BLOB_IMPORTER_TYPE_ID = 'docker_blob_importer' 
 +BLOB_IMPORTER_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'server/plugins.conf.d/docker_blob_importer.json' 

 +MANIFEST_TYPE_ID = 'docker_manifest' # <- not sure if this will be needed 
 +MANIFEST_IMPORTER_TYPE_ID = 'docker_manifest_importer' 
 +MANIFEST_IMPORTER_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'server/plugins.conf.d/docker_manifest_importer.json' 

 docker_blob type will be implemented as models.Blob (already in the upstream code) 

 blob_importer import sequence (similar as in IsoImporter): 
   - init_unit 
   - move file 
   - save_unit 

 manifest_importer import steps (this is how I image it) 
   - parse manifest 
   - set specified repo attributes 
   - validation? 
