


Test #6313

Updated by CodeHeeler over 4 years ago

Scenarios to test: 
 1. First scenario 
    1. - run our sync (following our workflow docs) once, 
    2. there should be no optimization progress report on the task 
 2. Second scenario 
    1. - run sync a second time with no other changes, 
    2. there should be an optimization progress report now on the task 
 3. Third scenario 
    1. - run sync a third time adding the flag 'optimize=False', 
    2. --optimize=False, there should be no optimization progress report now on the task 
 4. Fourth scenario 
    1. - create a new repo version, 
    2. run sync again (remove 'optimize=False' optimize flag), 
    3. there should be no optimization progress report 
 5. Fifth scenario 
    1. - change remote policy to immediate, 
    2. run sync again, 
    3. sync, there should be no optimization progress report 
 6. Sixth scenario 
    1. - ideally, we need a revision number change to the repomd in our fixtures (do we have a setup for this already? Is this within the scope of our automated tests) 
    2. already?) so that we can run sync 
    3. there should be and see no optimization progress report now on the task 
 7. Seventh scenario 
    1. run - we can also re-run sync with no changes 
    2. there should be to double check that it goes back to having an optimization progress report now on again when we're not making any of the task above changes 
 8. Eighth - another scenario 
    1. run can be to sync using to the same repo, repo but with a different remote 
    2. there should be no optimization progress report now on the task 
    3. rerun this sync 
    4. there should be an optimization progress report now on the task 

 All of these syncs should be run in succession without cleanup in between as a first time sync should always leave no optimization progress report.    If for some reason you wanted to separate the tests and needed cleanup in between, every test scenario other than #1 will need to have sync run twice, once at the beginning, and once when specified after the stated changes for the test.
