


Test #6313

Updated by CodeHeeler over 4 years ago

Scenarios to test: 
 - run --run our sync (following our workflow docs) once, there should be no optimization progress report on the task 
 - run --run a second time with no other changes, there should be an optimization progress report now 
 - run --run a third time adding the flag --optimize=False, there should be no optimization progress report 
 - create --create a new repo version, run sync (remove optimize flag), there should be no optimization progress report 
 - change --change remote policy to immediate, run sync, there should be no optimization progress report 
 - ideally, --ideally, we need a revision number change to the repomd in our fixtures (do we have a setup for this already?) so that we can run sync and see no optimization progress report 
 - we --we can also re-run sync with no changes to double check that it goes back to having an optimization progress report again when we're not making any of the above changes 
 - another --another scenario can be to sync to the same repo but with a different remote
