


Task #5768

Updated by over 4 years ago

The current plan for ansible-pulp is for it is to be rolling release. Thus, it will And to use different codepaths for 3.0 vs master (3.1) branches. 

 This means a larger set of tests for our CI based on tox / ansible molecule. 

 Currently both stable release and master branch are tested via the molecule config. Via a single test from Travis's perspective. Travis tests different versions of python on the ansible management node; which isn't quite so important. 

 We should consider a test matrix like: 
 python 2.7 & pulp 3.0 release 
 python 3.7 & pulp 3.0 release 
 python 2.7 & pulp 3.0 branch 
 python 3.6 & pulp 3.0 branch 
 python 3.7 & pulp master branch
