


Issue #4795

Updated by bherring over 5 years ago

h2. Problem 

 When attempting to sync a feed for a second time in automation/CI (not manually), the sync will return incorrect/invalid information for the task details failing the test "often". 

 h2. Problem Breakout 

 There are two discrete issues here: 

 * `pulp-smash` is now/recently updated polling at a 0.3s rate that. For a test including a second repo sync, this will occasionally returning a task "COMPLETE" but the values for the task details had yet to be reset. The resulting return of non-zero values causes test failures. It appears that the ACTUAL change is none, however the task_details are reporting incorrectly. This was supposedly discovered long ago, but the legacy issue could not be found. 
 * Due to the above, the values of 'added_count', 'removed_count', 'updated_count' are being permanently updated to values in the db that are incorrect. Meaning, running `pulp-admin tasks details --task-id` of the automated task will result in the invalid values still being populated in the historic record. This appears to be related to legacy issue #4428 

 h2. Recreation  

 The RCA seems to be from updating pulp-smash polling to a much quicker rate: 

 To test this, locally have pulp-smash installed and set to a VERY low polling rate. At the time of this writing, anything around `0.3` would fail 50-80% of the time. Adjusting to an even smaller value should increase the probabiltiy of failure on a non-patched system. 

 Run this test through pytest with the following syntax in an appropriately prepared virtenv: 

 (pulp2) [herring@redherring api_v2]$ pwd 
 (pulp2) [herring@redherring api_v2]$ count=1; while [ $count -le 10 ]; do echo -e "Iteration: $count\n"; pytest -svv --disable-warnings; ((count++)); done 

 A loop value of 10 was chosen to ensure math was easy. 

 It is expected there will be a 100% pass rate. At this time, even with larger values around 2 seconds, there is still ~10% chance of failure. 

 Also, running the following on a passing Task ID should NOT result in incorrect values for the task: 

 [root@rhel76 ~]# pulp-admin tasks details --task-id d0140034-e1ca-4d1e-a34f-7fdf1d17a697 

 Where the `--task-id` is appropriate for the jobs being ran.  

 h2. QE Workaround in place 

 For the time being, the values for pulp-smash when used on Pulp2 polling can be increase to keep these failures from happening. 

 Once this task issues are resolved, pulp-smash can have the values restored to lower polling values. 

 h2. References 

 * Additional Reference needed here from @dkliban about how the values are calculated 
 * Original investigation information moved down in other Notes to retain investigation history.
