Task #808
Updated by mhrivnak over 9 years ago
pulp_workers and pulp_resource_manager both use vanilla Celery heartbeats. I believe the default is 2 seconds. We should adjust that to 30 seconds since we aren't benefiting from such a quick heartbeat interval. pulp_resource_manager and pulp_workers should use the "heartbeat-interval":http://celery.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/celery.bin.worker.html#cmdoption-celery-worker--heartbeat-interval command line option to set this.
* Add in command line option for pulp_workers to use --heartbeat-interval
* Add in command line option for pulp_resource_manager to use --heartbeat-interval
* ensure both work on EL6 and EL7 because they use different init systems (systemd vs upstart)
* Verify that traffic to mongodb decreases for an idle system (consider using iotop)