


Issue #3850

Updated by daviddavis almost 6 years ago

The hrefs for objects returned from the bindings have full urls with hostname, port, etc. However, there are a couple reasons for this: the parameters require relative URIs: 

 1. Katello has said their user base sometimes switches hostname/port/etc. So having full URIs means that they would be mutable. <pre><code class="python"> 
 2. The bindings require from swagger_client.api.repositories_api import RepositoriesApi 
 api = RepositoriesApi() 
 api.repositories_list() # 'href': 'http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/1/' 
 api.repositories_read('/repositories/1/') # have to use relative URIs URI 
 3. Full URIs are shorter and this means storing less data for third-party apps and such. </code></pre> 

 We should be returning relative URIs in our API for all hrefs. This includes places like created_resources in the task response. API.
