


Task #3184

Updated by over 6 years ago

The current implementation of the publishing task starts an outer transaction.    This is undesirable because: 
 * Long running transactions can accumulate DB locks which can result in contention. 
 * Could exceed DB limitations on rollback segement. 
 * Prevents progress reports from being committed. 

 The following line needs to be removed: 

 with transaction.atomic(): 

 Without the outer transaction, the publication will be committed _half-baked_.    There needs to be a way to prevent the publication from being used before it is completely constructed.    Here is a recap of a list design discussion: 

 * Add an attribute called 'complete' to Publication which defaults to False. 
 * Update the viewset so that it excludes Publications that have complete=False 
 * Update the filterset for Publications to also exclude Publications that have complete=False 
 * After the plugin code returns control to core, have core set complete=True on the Publication and then call save() just before exiting. 
