Task #3308
Updated by kersom about 7 years ago
Before the sync of a certain repo, the field *_latest_version_href* is None. After the first sync of importer is like: http://f27-pulp3:8000/api/v3/repositories/710aac08-793f-4003-a922-31399485b78e/versions/1/ However if the same importer does not change, and another sync happens, the field is updated to: http://f27-pulp3:8000/api/v3/repositories/710aac08-793f-4003-a922-31399485b78e/versions/2/ And goes like that. The simple action to call /importer/sync endpoint updates the repo version, even though the importer has not changed. version. This line of code is called even without changes. See: https://github.com/pulp/pulp_file/blob/master/pulp_file/app/tasks.py#L73